CV High School Team Summer Baseball Registrations
Registration will run from late March through through the second week of April. Please reach out with any questions or concerns to
Summer Baseball Program
CV Baseball offers a summer baseball program for 9th through 11th grade players that were on the Conestoga Valley High School Baseball team during the preceding spring season. The players participate in the Lancaster County Midget Baseball (17U) league.
Registration Cost
The cost is $235 per player includes a hat and jersey for the players. All other equipment and uniform pieces will be provided by the player. The coaches or CV Baseball Boosters will provide guidance on pant, belt, sock, colors, etc. before the season begins.
Registration Deadline
The deadline to register will be set between CVBA, CV Baseball Boosters, and/or the coach.
The summer ball registration fees do NOT cover the entirety of the need. We will need volunteers to help with gameday field preparations as well as other field maintainence tasks.
Refund Policy
If a refund is requested, we reserve the right to reduce the refund by any costs that we’ve incurred. Examples of those costs are registration fees, uniforms, league fees, etc. Submit your request via email to with the player’s name and reason.
Sign up to play!
Sign up for Summer Ball on our registration portal on Stone Alley! Be sure to have your registration code as provided by CVBA, Baseball Boosters, or your coach.

Any questions or concerns about the registration process can be directed to